
Motivational Interviewing

Share Collaborative’s Motivational Interviewing Explorer course is designed to support your team to establish MI Peer Learning Groups/Communities of Practice. The course is a recommended part of an MI implementation. It was designed, created, and delivered by members of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (The MINT) and a MINT Certified MI Trainer (Shawn Smith).

This course is best experienced:

  • After your team goes through an MI Initial Skills training
  • By small groups of 20-ish and led by MI Champions, those who have gone through MI Coaching (using the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity tool or similar). If you haven’t developed MI Champs, the course will still be helpful to your team. If you want to develop MI Champs, contact us at: [email protected]


Course Features:

  • Most MI Peer Learning Groups meet one time per month for an hour.  If that is your cadence, there is sufficient content to get you going for a year!
  • All modules include an experiential exercise designed to help you contextualize MI to your role type (Social Worker, Probation Agent, Workforce Development Specialist, Housing Specialist, and on).
  • Most modules include a demo.
  • Additional content can be developed by request for those who sign up for the course at no additional cost. Contact us at: [email protected]


Cost Breakdown:

$1800 per year per 25 participants breaks down to $72 per year per learner and $6 per learner per hour-long peer learning group.

"This was the first Motivational Interviewing Training I've done. I think I got a really good grasp of the tools. Great job! Shawn was funny, informative, mixed it up, and was engaging in the different stories. Great video clips."

- Leigh, Case Manager

MI is a widely embraced, evidence-based conversation style for awakening self-awareness of a person’s choices to heal and embrace behavior change.

Through MI, direct service providers surface self-awareness of the need for behavior change within the served person, empowering them to leverage their inner resources (strengths, resilience) to choose to heal and change.

This approach to service considers the whole needs of those you serve, emphasizing going beyond cultural sensitivity. In trauma-informed care, we consider the entire experience and wellbeing of the population we serve. Motivational Interviewing supports and adheres to Cultural Humility and Reverence, honoring the journey of the individual.

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